
Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) / Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

In order to stay healthy and balanced our bodies need light energy just like plants need energy from sunlight to grow and thrive.

What is Light Therapy? 

Low Level Light Therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment that uses medical grade light to increase nitric oxide, ATP, cellular energy, and forms new blood vessels from existing vessels. The meridians in our bodies are fiberoptic (light conducting) and thrive off of natural sunlight. LLLT works in the same way and is an equally bioavailable form of light that can be applied directly where we need it most.

There are specific wavelengths of light we get from the sun which power our cells, and LLLT simulates this light and delivers its targeted therapeutic energy at a higher rate than what we receive from the sun, without the added harmful UV radiation. Our FDA approved medical light system has 3 wavelengths which penetrate our bodies at different levels.

Blue- 430nm (penetrates 2-3cm deep into skin surface)

Red- 640nm (creates heat and penetrates 8-10mm deep into subcutaneous tissue)

Near Infrared (invisible to human eye) 880nm (20-100mm Penetrates into Muscles, Tissues, Joints, bones, ligaments)

Over the last three decades, thousands of trials and studies have demonstrated Low Level Light Therapy is an effective treatment for joint pain, inflammation, wound healing and tissue repair, increasing the production of natural melatonin for healthier sleep, increasing circulation, wrinkle reduction, and countless other skin issues. These studies have also shown that LLLT can prevent muscle soreness and speed up muscle recovery time, which is an added benefit for athletes and personal trainers. There is more recent evidence supporting the use of LLLT for the stimulation of hair growth in people suffering from androgenic alopecia.  

What other conditions is low level light therapy used for?

  • Pain - acute or chronic

  • Increased circulation

  • Decrease inflammation

  • Increase immune response

  • Stress & Anxiety (Releases endorphins in brain)

  • PTSD

  • Skin Regeneration (Increases circulation and Collagen Reduce Wrinkles)

  • Wound Healing (Cuts, scrapes, abrasions, breaks, sprains, etc)

  • Muscle soreness & Workout Recovery

  • Neuropathy

  • Weight loss (increased metabolism, reduced stress & cortisol, balance hormones)

  • Lymphatic Function

  • Adrenal Function

  • Infertility

  • Hormonal Balance

  • Thyroid function

  • Brain injuries

  • Cognitive Neuro function (Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, etc)

  • Neuro Synapses

  • Relax blood pressure/blood vessels

  • Reduce cholesterol

Are there any risks to PBMT/LLLT?

When the body is severely out of balance and is triggered to heal, this can result in a healing crisis or temporary up-rise in symptoms, just like when you detox and remove toxic substances from your body, it can cause negative reactions as the chemicals are processed and removed from your body. Also, low level light therapy is contraindicated if you have a known, active tumor as the light triggers cell growth and angiogenesis.

At Solara Wellness, Low Level Light Therapy can be done as a treatment on its own, or added to another service we offer to maximize the therapeutic benefits of your visit. Call today for more information or to schedule an appointment!

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